Credit course/ Sign Up & Credit Rules

Registration qualifications/ "Credit-based classes" are exempted from the credit requirements of "On-the-job courses"

1. Registration qualifications: Those who are qualified to apply for the master's program of the Institute of Information Management (post-secondary college graduates)
2. Credit deduction: In the future, the credit can be applied to be used as a graduation credit according to the deduction method of the institute.
3.學分證書: 資管學分班學期成績達 B- (70 分)(含)以上者,由本校發給學分證明書
4. Courses applying for exemption of credits:
  a.修課成績須達 A- (80 分)(含)以上,可抵免之畢業學分數,上限為 18 學分(含得抵免非本所開設之課程 3 學分,惟需本所課程委員會核准為限)
     b.修習本所學分班(修課成績達 A- (80 分)(含)以上),抵免在職專班學分,無年限限制
     c.修習外所學分班(修課成績達 A- (80 分)(含)以上),抵免在職專班學分,抵免年限最多 8 年

Asset Management Office Admissions System

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